Completed: 2023
The McAllen Texas Temple marks the fifth temple completed in Texas and the first in the Rio Grande Valley Region. The city’s southern border is the Rio Grande River. The temple’s design in Spanish Colonial takes its precedent and influence from the local city architecture and the architecture of Mexico.
The exterior of the building reaches a height of 108’-0” to the top of the tower. The upper most portion of the tower remains open, reminiscent of church bell towers. The warm beige exterior color reflects the style and landscape of the area. Corbeled arches, barbed quatrefoils and shell niches can be found on the exterior of the building enhancing the architecture style. The citrus blossom incorporates the local culture and economy of the citrus groves throughout the valley.
The Temple grounds were designed to create a paradise of local floral and fauna. A variety of palm trees, succulents, grasses and florals can be found on site.
Typical of Spanish Colonial Architecture, the interiors reflect an understated elegance. Doors and openings are embellished to become focal points. Windows and door openings are carved out of the walls, subtractive instead of additive, reminiscent of thick adobe walls. Corbels and barrel vaults with decorative paint adorn the ceilings. The blues, golds and greens of the art glass throughout the building reference the state flower, the bluebonnet, and other elements of the Texas landscape.
Project Size
25,000 SqFt
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
McAllen, TX