Immersive Design With People in Mind

Salt Lake City Library

The Salt Lake City Main Library has been ranked in the top 150 favorite buildings in a nationwide poll commissioned by the AIA and conducted by Harris Interactive. The library ranked 69th out of 150. The findings come as no surprise to the library staff, who say that on a daily basis visitors and patrons tell library staff that they love the building.

The Salt Lake City Main Public Library features a triangular main building, an adjacent administration building, a glass-enclosed Urban Room, and an exterior public piazza. A curving, climbable wall weaves the site together and contains shops and food establishments as well as steps that ascend to a rooftop garden. The glass-enclosed Urban Room and piazza flow together, uniting interior and exterior spaces.

The Urban Room is a space for all seasons, generously endowed with daylight, open to significant views and, since it extends the full height of the building, a pivotal point of visual orientation. Multi-level reading areas along the transparent southern façade of the building look out onto the piazza, the city, and the Wasatch Mountains beyond. At night the glass façade, lit from within, appears in the crescent-shaped reflecting pool, extending into the outdoor space.


Project Size

240,000 SqFt


Salt Lake City


Salt Lake City, UT

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